Converting 2D golf swing sequences into 3D models

Monday, January 14, 2008

Different Frame Rates

We took video of my golf swing with a point-and-shoot digital camera that records 30fps (left). I'm swinging a short club that's probably traveling around 75mph at the bottom of my swing. Notice that the frame rate is too low to accurately track the trajectory of the club. Typical swings with longer clubs are in the 100 mph range, so the motion blur will become even more pronounced.

We will use high frame rate digital cameras to record our videos, but before that we would like to get an idea of the type of results we will get. We artificially simulated the results of a higher frame rate camera by slowing down my swing. My normal swing with this club took about 2 seconds, so I made two more swings at about 4 and 8 seconds. Thus, we get an idea of what images from 60fps (center) and 120fps (right) cameras will look like.

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